Week of October 7

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 4

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night

IXL Math for possible extra practice:  E.1, E.2, E.3, E.4, E.5, F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4, F.5

Classroom Happenings:
In Reader's Workshop this week, readers did a great job taking ownership of their reading lives by remember to stop and jot thoughts about their books as they read.  We've been practicing some specific stop and jots like predictions, questions, and tricky words, but this week students moved beyond what we practiced to realizing that they can stop and jot anytime they have a thought about their reading! 

In Writer's Workshop, we're going to continue our study of narrative writing as we add more great writing moves to our toolkit, using Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements as a second mentor text.  We're getting better at naming writing strategies they are using in their own writing!  In class we've been working on how to give a peer a compliment and a "try-to" in a helpful, coaching way.   

As we move into Math Module 2 (Addition and Subtraction of Length Units), please remember to check your student's backpack next week for upcoming math newsletters.  Students will be posting their first math assessment on SeeSaw for you to see! 

If you haven't done so already, please return the blue Child Information Form that came home on Back-to-School night or in your student's backpack.  Be sure to list the email addresses you want the blog post to be sent to on the form.  This is the email address I will use to communicate all classroom happenings.

Birthday treats!  Let me know if you'd like to bring in birthday treats for the class!  We have 17 students in the class that are always welcoming of treats.  :)  We will typically have birthday treats at 10:15am with our snack time.  So, if you can drop them off in the morning before snack, we will enjoy them with snack.  If not, let me know so I can plan for another arrangement.  (Note:  We do not have a peanut/treenut allergy in our classroom.)

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