Week of February 3

Sunday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 3

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night, 1 SpellingCity activity each night (new lists will be sent home on Sunday, February 3; Spelling Test on Tuesday, February 12)

IXL Math for possible extra practice:  any G (old practice: any A, B, D, E, F, (K.1-K.3), M, (S.8-S.15)

Classroom Happenings:
In Reader's Workshop, students are continuing to use mentor texts to study poetry.  This week we added to our knowledge of poetry by looking closer at rhyming sets (AABB, ABAB) and patterns authors use in poetry.

This past week in Writer's Workshop, we also built on our study of poetry by continuing to write our own poems.  This week we studied and wrote Bio-Poems and Cinquains!   

This week students worked with models and manipulatives to solve 2- and 3- digit subtraction problems.  We are using manipulatives like base-ten blocks or models like the arrow way or place value chart to solve these types of problems.  See if your student can show you how to solve 281-53 this weekend! 

Check out the latest SeeSaw post for a quick update about our most recent Science Project. 

Just a note:  We did not get to our Spelling Test on this Thursday, January 31 as our Science Lesson took a little longer than expected.  We will have the test that was originally scheduled for Thursday on Sunday, February 3 so we can finish with this list and start on the next one! 

If you're looking for the 2AN Schedule, it's now posted on the Blog!  Be sure to also check the actual blog website from time to time (taism4an.blogspot.com) as the Upcoming Dates Section at the top of the blog might come in handy to fill calendars out with dates a bit ahead of time!

Birthday treats!  Let me know if you'd like to bring in birthday treats for the class!  We have 17 students in the class that are always welcoming of treats.  :)  We will typically have birthday treats at 10:15am with our snack time.  So, if you can drop them off in the morning before snack, we will enjoy them with snack.  If not, let me know so I can plan for another arrangement.  (Note:  We do not have a peanut/treenut allergy in our classroom, but we do have a few students that are to avoid nuts and beans.)

Week of January 20

Sunday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 5

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night, 1 SpellingCity activity each night (new lists will be sent home on Sunday, January 20; Spelling Test on Thursday, January 31)

IXL Math for possible extra practice:  any B (old practice: any A, D, E, F, (K.1-K.3), M, (S.8-S.15)

Classroom Happenings:
In Reader's Workshop, students studied various mentor texts this week with our Poetry Unit.  We learned how to pick out rhyming patterns, to identify the use of alliteration in a sentence, and we talked about the use of repeated phrases in poetry.

This past week in Writer's Workshop, we built on our study of poetry by starting some poems of our own.  We our focus this week was on simile and metaphor poems! 

Module 3 Math Assessment will be posted on SeeSaw soon!  Be on the look out!  This brings us to Module 4 in Math where we will be working with decomposing and composing in addition and subtraction with numbers up to 200.  This week students worked with models and manipulatives to solve 2-digit + 2-digit addition problems.  We are using manipulatives like base-ten blocks or models like the arrow way to solve these types of problems.  We can draw tape diagrams and number bonds to model number sentences.  And we are continuing to work on our problem solving skills! 

We've also started a new Science Unit which we're all really excited about!  Throughout our science unit, we'll be studying how quick and slow changes affect land.

Our partnership with our Courage Buddies continued this week as we attended the All School Kick-Off Assembly together on Sunday.  We're excited to join them again for the Terry Fox Run which is on Thursday, January 24.

If you're looking for the 2AN Schedule, it's now posted on the Blog!  Be sure to also check the actual blog website from time to time (taism4an.blogspot.com) as the Upcoming Dates Section at the top of the blog might come in handy to fill calendars out with dates a bit ahead of time!

Birthday treats!  Let me know if you'd like to bring in birthday treats for the class!  We have 17 students in the class that are always welcoming of treats.  :)  We will typically have birthday treats at 10:15am with our snack time.  So, if you can drop them off in the morning before snack, we will enjoy them with snack.  If not, let me know so I can plan for another arrangement.  (Note:  We do not have a peanut/treenut allergy in our classroom, but we do have a few students that are to avoid nuts and beans.)

Week of January 13

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 6

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night, 1 SpellingCity activity each night (new lists were sent home on Sunday, January 6; Spelling Test on Thursday, January 17)

IXL Math for possible extra practice:  any B (old practice: any A, D, E, F, (K.1-K.3), M, (S.8-S.15)

Classroom Happenings:
New year, new units! 

In Reader's and Writer's Workshop, we're launching our study of Poetry.  Throughout our reading unit, students will study poems and be able to describe how words or phrases give rhythm and meaning to a poem, story, or song.  Students will work with vocabulary like alliteration, patterns, rhymes, repeated lines, line breaks, and more.  In writing, students will be using what they learn about poetry to write their own poems and study different kinds of poems and their structures! 

Students finished up some corrections with our Module 3 Math Assessment this week and will be posting their assessment on SeeSaw for your viewing.  This brings us to Module 4 in Math where we will be working with decomposing and composing in addition and subtraction with numbers up to 200.

We've also started a new Science Unit which we're all really excited about!  Throughout our science unit, we'll be studying how quick and slow changes affect land. 

Our week started off with some exciting activities surrounding the Terry Fox Run as our class got to meet our Courage Buddies (grade 9 students)!  You may have seen the Courage Buddy bracelet come home on the wrist of your child!  The partnership with our Courage Buddies will continue throughout preparations for the Terry Fox Run which is on Thursday, January 24.

If you're looking for the 2AN Schedule, it's now posted on the Blog!  Be sure to also check the actual blog website from time to time (taism4an.blogspot.com) as the Upcoming Dates Section at the top of the blog might come in handy to fill calendars out with dates a bit ahead of time!

Birthday treats!  Let me know if you'd like to bring in birthday treats for the class!  We have 17 students in the class that are always welcoming of treats.  :)  We will typically have birthday treats at 10:15am with our snack time.  So, if you can drop them off in the morning before snack, we will enjoy them with snack.  If not, let me know so I can plan for another arrangement.  (Note:  We do not have a peanut/treenut allergy in our classroom, but we do have a few students that are to avoid nuts and beans.)