Week of February 19

Tuesday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 2

Upcoming Events and Special Notes:
Parent Teacher Conferences on Sunday, February 19 and Monday, February 20 will be student/teacher-led!  Just as a typical conference, you will come for your scheduled conference time, meeting in my classroom, where we will celebrate growth and discuss goals; the only difference is that your student and I are partnering up to guide you through the conference together!  Your student has been preparing for the conference, and is excited to lead, and I will be there to help guide them through the conference if needed, add my additional comments, and answer questions you may have.

The new SpellingCity list has been updated.  Even though we do not have school on Sunday and Monday, we will still take our Spelling Test on Thursday.  If your student wants to start practicing over the weekend, the lists are there!


Week of February 12

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 1

Upcoming Events and Special Notes: 
Registration for Parent Teacher Conferences closes on Tuesday, February 14 at 4:00pm.  Be sure to check your email for the registration process!

Parent Teacher Conferences on Sunday, February 19 and Monday, February 20 will be student/teacher-led!  Just as a typical conference, you will come for your scheduled conference time, meeting in my classroom, where we will celebrate growth and discuss goals; the only different is that your student and I are partnering up to guide you through the conference!  Your student has been preparing for the conference, and is excited to lead, and I will be there to help guide them through the conference if needed, add my additional comments, and answer questions you may have.

Miss Effie's swim unit starts this week; information went home with your student last week.  If you have questions or need more information, you can contact Miss Effie at stonee@taism.com.

Week of February 5

Sunday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 2 (Monday will be a Day 3; Wednesday will be a Day 5)

Upcoming Events and Special Notes: 
Our next round of Discover Oman experiences is already here!  We will have three trips starting with the Samail Castle on Sunday, February 5, followed by the Wadi Sa'al Hike on Tuesday, February 7, and we'll end the week with Wadi Dayqa Dam on Thursday, February 9.  Students will need to pack a snack and lunch for each day as well as dress with comfortable clothing appropriate to the trip.  Discover Oman Parent Volunteers:  I've emailed all Discover Oman Parent Volunteers with specific information about trips.  If you did not receive an email with information, but contacted me about volunteering, let me know!

Reminder that there will be no ASAs during Discover Oman week (Swim Club and ES Musical will still meet).

There will not be a new Spelling List this week.

Miss Effie's swim unit starts this week; information went home with your student last week.  If you have questions or need more information, you can contact Miss Effie at stonee@taism.com.