Insulator Fashion Show

Hope everyone had a restful and relaxing, long weekend!

Just a note about the Insulator Fashion Show happening this Thursday.. We wrapped up our science experiment on insulators last week.  As an extension to this experiment, we have an "Insulator Fashion Show" planned for Thursday.  To prepare for the Show, students will create an article of clothing (or use an item they already have) out of one of the six insulators we tested (cotton, foil, bubble wrap, wool, paper, and a synthetic material).  They came home with a planning document over the weekend and have probably already been brainstorming with your or asking for supplies!  (We showed a few examples of past year's projects in class so students have an idea of what we're looking for; it should be fairly reasonable, but please let me know if you have any questions!  We will continue with more preparation for the Show this week in class, but actual costume creating will be completed at home.)

The actual show will be this Thursday, February 1amongst the grade level.  We will share a video of it with parents when we are finished!

Week of January 14

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 6

Upcoming Events and Special Notes:
Wednesday, January 17 you're invited to join the grade four classes for our Writer's Workshop Publishing Party.  We will be having a museum walk across the grade four classrooms from 2:15-3:00 where you and the students will be welcomed to move from classroom to classroom to read and comment on our Persuasive Essays.  At 3:00, room parents have arranged for refreshments and snacks to celebrate our hard work!  Join us if you can!