Week of January 31

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 4

Upcoming Events and Special Notes:
Remember to join us for the ES Parent Literacy Night on Monday, February 1!

Week of January 24

Sunday Schedule: Week 2, Day 5

Upcoming Events and Special Notes:
Our next round of Discover Oman experiences is already here!  We will have three trips starting with the Samail Castle on Sunday, January 24, followed by the Wadi Sa'al Hike on Tuesday, January 26, and we'll end the week with Wadi Dayqa Dam on Thursday, January 28.  Children should be sure to pack a snack and lunch for each day as well as dress with comfortable clothing (athletic shoes, shorts/pants, tshirts, hats, sunscreen).  Discover Oman Parent Volunteers:  I've sent a confirmation email out to parents who have expressed an interest in chaperoning during Discover Oman.  If you did not receive an email, but volunteered, please let me know!

Reminder that there will be no ASAs during Discover Oman week.

If you haven't done so already, please be sure to follow the 4AN Blog to stay updated about upcoming events!  To follow, scroll to the bottom of the blog and enter your email address in the Follow by Email box.  Click submit and be sure to verify your email subscription request by entering the code given and clicking on Complete Subscription Request.  You should receive an email that confirms that you have completed the process.  If you are having troubles subscribing, please let me know and I can assist in any way possible.  The most important piece is to make sure you follow the instructions all the way to the confirmation email.  By following the 4AN Blog with email, you will be emailed each time the blog is updated; a lot more convenient than remembering to check it!  The 4AN Blog is typically updated the last day of the week with news about the upcoming week.  Happy reading!

Week of January 17

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 6

Upcoming Events and Special Notes:
Our next round of Discover Oman experiences is already here!  We will have three trips starting with the Samail Castle on Sunday, January 24, followed by the Wadi Sa'al Hike on Tuesday, January 26, and ending our week with the Wadi Dayqa Dam on Thursday, January 28.  Please be sure to get your permission slips in by Thursday, January 21.  Children should be sure to pack a snack and lunch for each day as well as dress with comfortable clothing (athletic shoes, long pants, tshirts, and hats).   Discover Oman Parent Volunteers Email:  I've sent an email out to parents to see who would be interested in chaperoning.  Please respond to that email if interested!  

Did you get the Math Newsletter that was attached to the 4AN Homework Planner this week?  Ask your student about it if you did not see it come home!


Week of January 10

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 1

Upcoming Events and Special Notes: 
This Thursday, January 14 is Rainbow Day in the Elementary School!  This means that students will be participating in team building exercises with students from their grade level and others!  Information was sent out with report cards, but here are just a few reminders.  Please remember that students should pack their own snack and sack lunch for this day as there is a picnic at the end of the event.  The picnic will be begin at 11:45 and parents are welcome to join for the picnic (or at anytime during the event to watch)!  Games will be held from 9:00-10:15 and again from 11:00-11:45.  Also note that this is an early release day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:30 so be sure to discuss any special after school plans with them (no ASAs on this day because of the early release).  Other than that, just make sure to send your student to school dressed in their specific color, athletic clothes, and closed toed athletic shoes!  Colors are posted in the classroom so students should know what color they have.

If you haven't done so already, please be sure to follow the 4AN Blog to stay updated about upcoming events!  To follow, scroll to the bottom of the blog and enter your email address in the Follow by Email box.  Click submit and be sure to verify your email subscription request by entering the code given and clicking on Complete Subscription Request.  You should receive an email that states that you have completed the process.  If you are having troubles subscribing, please let me know and I can assist in any way possible.  The most important piece is to make sure you follow the instructions all the way to the confirmation email.  By following the 4AN Blog with email, you will be emailed each time the blog is updated; a lot more convenient than remembering to check it!  The 4AN Blog is typically updated the last day of the week with news about the upcoming week.

The 4AN Homework Planner is another great way to stay informed about what is happening in school.  Students are filling it in with additional homework assignments and announcements about upcoming dates at school and should be getting a parent signature each night to tell me that you've seen it.  Although you can get a lot of the information from the 4AN Blog, we're really working on organization skills and independence in grade four!  The 4AN Homework Planner is a good tool to help students to stay organized and inform you about upcoming dates!