Pizza Party (Tuesday, May 28)

Reminder that there is a Pizza Party tomorrow after our Second Grade Pool Party.  No need to send lunch for tomorrow (but still pack a snack)!

Week of May 26

Sunday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 4

IXL Math for possible extra practice: W (old practice: any A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J (K.1-K.3), L, M, (S.8-S.15), Y

Thank you for attending our End-of-Year Celebration on Thursday!

All Library Books/Materials are due on Sunday, May 19.

Second Grade Pool Party on Tuesday, May 28!  Students will be required to follow the TAISM PE Swimwear guidelines for our end of year celebration.

We are asking students to leave their soccer and other sports cards at home. There have been some problems that have come up when students trade the cards and bring the cards to recess and specials classes. To avoid any further issues we would like to ask that you remind them to not bring them to school. Thanks for your help with this.

Week of May 19

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 5

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night, 1 SpellingCity activity each night (new lists were sent home on Sunday, May 5; Spelling Test on Sunday, May 19 - last test for the year)

IXL Math for possible extra practice: Y (old practice: any A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J (K.1-K.3), L, M, (S.8-S.15)

Classroom Happenings:
Book Clubs!  Students are using the skills we've been studying in reading to join together for small-group book clubs.  In partners or groups of three, students will be reading together, asking questions, studying characters and their traits, and writing summaries for the class.  We were really excited to start Book Clubs! 

This helped us get ready for our last writing unit, Realistic Fiction Stories!  Students have been developing real-life characters and settings and will continue to develop the problem/solution for their stories!

In Math, we are finishing out our year studying geometric shapes, how we can split those geometric shapes into equal fractions, and telling time! 

Our Spelling Test for this week has been moved to Sunday, May 19. 

All Library Books/Materials are due on Sunday, May 19.

TAISM of the Past dress day on Thursday, May 23.

We are inviting all Second Grade Parents to a final Publishing Party for the year on Thursday, May 23 from 2:00-2:30.  We'll be showing samples of work from all subjects, not just writing!  Join us if you can for a chance to sit down with your student and allow them to share their learning with you! 

Second Grade Pool Party on Tuesday, May 28!  Students will be required to follow the TAISM PE Swimwear guidelines for our end of year celebration. 
We are asking students to leave their soccer and other sports cards at home. There have been some problems that have come up when students trade the cards and bring the cards to recess and specials classes. To avoid any further issues we would like to ask that you remind them to not bring them to school. Thanks for your help with this.

Week of May 12

Sunday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 6

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night, 1 SpellingCity activity each night (new lists were sent home on Sunday, May 5; Spelling Test on Thursday, May 16 - last test for the year)

IXL Math for possible extra practice: Y (old practice: any A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J (K.1-K.3), L, M, (S.8-S.15)

Classroom Happenings:
This past week in Reader's Workshop students studied the difference between realistic and fiction stories.  This helped us get ready for our last writing unit, Realistic Fiction Stories!  Students have been developing real-life characters and settings and will continue to develop the problem/solution for their stories! 

In Math, we will have our Module 6 Math Assessment on the foundations of multiplication on Sunday, May 12.

Ask your student about their Glue Recipe and their evidence that supports the materials they used in their mixture!  Students had a final chance this past week to make a glue that supported our design goals (sticky, strong, and spreadable).  They used their final glue to glue together a picture frame.  We also did a lesson in which we used evidence to support which materials we would use to make a toothpaste.  Now, we are not making a toothpaste in school with this science unit.. So I apologize if you have scientists wanting to create a toothpaste at home! :)

We are asking students to leave their soccer and other sports cards at home. There have been some problems that have come up when students trade the cards and bring the cards to recess and specials classes. To avoid any further issues we would like to ask that you remind them to not bring them to school. Thanks for your help with this.

Week of May 5

Sunday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 1

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night, 1 SpellingCity activity each night (new lists will be sent home on Sunday, May 5; Spelling Test on Thursday, May 16 - last test for the year)

IXL Math for possible extra practice: (old practice: any A, B, D, E, F, G, H, (K.1-K.3), M, (S.8-S.15)

Classroom Happenings:
This past week in Reader's Workshop students worked with their same-book partners to finish their reading and work on skills like retelling a story and talking about the problem/solution.

In Writer's Workshop, students are working on Opinion Writing pieces.  Students are writing book reviews in which they are trying to persuade their audience to read their book! This past week students finished revising and editing! 

In Math, we started Module 6: Foundations of Multiplication and Division.  Students will work with concrete and pictorial (arrays) models of multiplication as they build a base of understanding!

Ask your student about their Glue Recipe and their evidence that supports the materials they used in their mixture!  (P.S. Our science lesson on Thursday ran a bit longer than expected so we didn't have time to take our Spelling Test this week.  We will not make up this test, but we will continue with our next Spelling Test as scheduled above.) 

Swimming starts in PE next week!  See the information that was sent home in your student's backpack from Mr. T.  (Day 2 on Monday, May 6 will be our first day of swimming in PE.)

Please let me know if your student will be fasting during Ramadan and what guidelines you like me to use here at school. 

We are asking students to leave their soccer and other sports cards at home. There have been some problems that have come up when students trade the cards and bring the cards to recess and specials classes. To avoid any further issues we would like to ask that you remind them to not bring them to school. Thanks for your help with this.