Week of November 4

Sunday Schedule:  Week 2, Day 4

This week's homework:  15 minutes of reading each night, 1 SpellingCity activity each night

IXL Math for possible extra practice:  review type activities any D or K.1-K.3 (old practice: any A, E, F, S.8-S.15)

Classroom Happenings:
It was extremely rewarding to meet with all of you for Parent/Teacher Conferences these past two days!  Thank you all for your time!  As always, continue to let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

NEW UNITS!  Parent Teacher Conferences was a perfect natural break in our units.  This next week we will be starting new Reading, Writing, and Math Units.

In Reading, we will move into Unit 3, Becoming Experts: Reading Nonfiction.  This reading unit coincides with our upcoming Informational Writing Unit, Nonfiction Writers Write to Teach Others.  In Math we will move into Module 3, Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of numbers to 1,000

Deadline to return photo order forms is Monday, November 5.  

If you're looking for the 2AN Schedule, it's now posted on the Blog!  Be sure to also check the actual blog website from time to time (taism4an.blogspot.com) as the Upcoming Dates Section at the top of the blog might come in handy to fill calendars out with dates a bit ahead of time!

Birthday treats!  Let me know if you'd like to bring in birthday treats for the class!  We have 17 students in the class that are always welcoming of treats.  :)  We will typically have birthday treats at 10:15am with our snack time.  So, if you can drop them off in the morning before snack, we will enjoy them with snack.  If not, let me know so I can plan for another arrangement.  (Note:  We do not have a peanut/treenut allergy in our classroom, but we do have a few students that are to avoid nuts and beans.)

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