Week of September 16

Sunday Schedule:  Week 1, Day 1

IXL Math:  extra practice will be posted here in the future

Upcoming Events and Special Notes:  
Welcome back to another school year!  I'm so happy to have met most of you on Registration Days or on Back-to-School night and am looking forward to a great year together! 

And speaking of Back-to-School night, your child should have come home with three Back-to-School night handouts (Grade 2 Newsletter, SeeSaw access instructions, and a Child Information Form) if you did not attend Back-to-School night.  Please look for these in their backpack if you haven't seen them yet!  I ask that you please try to return the Child Information Form next week and be sure to list the email addresses you want the blog post to be sent to on the form.  This is the email address I will use to communicate all classroom happenings. 

You will also notice books coming home in your student's backpack this weekend.  These are books from our classroom library that your student will be bringing home and can be used as a choice for their required reading minutes for homework.  Students will pick and keep at least 3 books from our library at home at all times.  These books will be at your child's just right level, a level that challenges them appropriately, and that level is assigned by me.  In having these books come home, you have access to books that you know are at their just right level, or you can compare the books they are bringing home with the books they are already reading at home.  You can also ask your student about what they know about checking books for their just right level and have them do their five finger test on books at home. (Current required homework:  15 minutes of reading at home each weekday, other various assignments will come home throughout the year)  

SeeSaw Access:  SeeSaw Accounts are up and running.  Students are posting weekly to their "newsfeed" with updates about what's happening in school.  Be sure to take a look at the SeeSaw Access Instructions that came home with Back-to-School night so you get an update email each time they post!  As we're getting it set up, I'm approving student posts as they come through and your family access requests.  Be patient as these will all be approved and accepted as we move into next week!  (So excited to have this communication tool with home!!)

Birthday treats!  Let me know if you'd like to bring in birthday treats for the class!  We have 17 students in the class that are always welcoming of treats.  :)  We will typically have birthday treats at 10:15am with our snack time.  So, if you can drop them off in the morning before snack, we will enjoy them with snack.  If not, let me know so I can plan for another arrangement.  (Note:  We do not have a peanut/treenut allergy in our classroom.) 

2AN Yearbook Photos will be on Tuesday, September 18.  Students will wear their TAISM polo uniform for photos. 

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